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An attractive employer brand in the “war for talent”
Employer branding in SMEs

A strong employer brand can make the difference in the competition for young talent and experienced experts. A good corporate culture is also one of the most important decision-making criteria for applicants. Together with you, we will develop a strategy to show that you are the perfect employer for the future.

Let’s work together to strengthen your image as an employer.

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast!" Peter F. Drucker on the importance of a good corporate culture, which brings companies more success than their strategy.
Current study results

Emotional attachment to one's own employer is on the decline

  • 81%

    der Beschäftigten schätzten ihre Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im Dezember 2022 positiv ein und erachten dies als guten Zeitpunkt für einen Jobwechsel.*

  • 13%

    befragter Arbeitnehmer empfinden eine
    hohe Bindung zu ihrem Arbeitsumfeld.*

  • 18%

    der Arbeitnehmer haben aufgrund einer fehlenden emotionalen Bindung bereits innerlich gekündigt.*

  • *Quelle: Gallup Engagement Index 2022

Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Arbeitgebermarketing

From strategy to a sustainable canon of values

Let’s go! We’ll find the core of your employer brand together.

We analyse the status quo and define the employer brand of the future (employer value proposition). This results in the tasks and measures required to achieve the goals for sustainable employer marketing.

We bundle your company’s values in the employer brand and convey them to the touchpoints of existing employees as well as future colleagues.

The result: lower staff turnover and more applications.

The subtle difference

Employer Branding versus Personnel Marketing

  • What do we mean by employer branding?

    • The approach that formulates a brand core for the job market based on corporate values.

    • Develops the overarching employer brand for all HR activities.

    • Long-term positioning/brand building over several years.

    • Targets both existing and potential employees.

  • What do we mean by personnel marketing?

    • Is a part of the employer brand.

    • Comprises all operational measures for recruiting and retaining personnel.

    • Primarily targets potential employees.

Let's work togehter!

Ansgar Büngener will be happy to handle your enquiry. Just send us an email or give us a call!

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