TYPO3 web relaunch for the FUEST Familienstiftung
The FUEST Familienstiftung is a renowned operator of rehabilitation clinics and facilities for the elderly. As part of the website relaunch, we developed a customised solution that makes it possible to manage and maintain a total of twelve websites in total for the foundation and its facilities centrally via a single TYPO3 backend.
On the one hand, our aim was to modernise the visual presentation of the FUEST Familienstiftung, to significantly optimise the quality of service for website visitors (interested parties, guests and their relatives). Various functions and interactive forms were developed to make it easier for website visitors to find out about the services on offer, use online services and easily get in touch with the facilities.
The simplification of everyday tasks, such as appointment management, the registration processes or regular communication with guests, means that the system contributes to increased efficiency and support for staff.
- Content strategy
- Website development
- Search engine optimisation (SEO)
- Bootstrap